$1,990   RRP
$25        - Factory Rebate
$190      - Discount for Cash*

$1,775  Great Low Price
AGM Batteries, Manx Charger, Front Basket
Australia wide delivery in one large carton at Great rates
Local Delivery or Pickup Brisbane
Quality Care Warranty  
*Cash, Card or Direct deposit payment accepted without charges

Mouse  Mobility Scooter
The amazing TS301 Mouse scooter is a marvel to transport. Ideal to pack in the boot of any car and transport to the shops. Ideal indoors in tight applications. Cruise ships, hotels, apartments, libraries, churches and much more. Simple click together design assembles quickly and easily. Compact lightweight pieces stow easily in most cars. Battery range and life are extended significantly. The adjustable seat and tiller give the ideal posture position. There are 3 main pieces. Seat, Rear and Tiller. Each piece weighs 7 kg or less and is easy to lift and stow. Standard batteries are 28ah Panasonic. Proven long life with exceptional range. In some instances smaller 15ah batteries weighing just a few kilos can be used.

copyright 2017  LB designs