Who can resist a great fried rice. And this is how its done. Obviously you can make the rice and not use the pineapple. I have developed this version without the huge amounts of MSG found in restaurant rice. Takeaway Rice has about a 2 teaspoons of MSG and sometimes more per container. Thats the secret ingredient. I am using a large pinch or two in this dish. I have never had to add salt. The ingredients provide all the salt.  

The best fried rice should almost flow like water with some chunky eggy bits to give it texture. My way of cooking the rice with oil and the absorption method ensure this is the case. Cooking the egg in the rice really works a treat. Far better than adding a chopped up omelette. The look and texture is far superior.

The prawn is the priority ingredient. Getting this perfect makes a great dish. The best way is to cut the prawns in half along the back so they are still prawn shaped but a more suitable size to cook quickly. Smaller prawns can be left whole, with the vein pulled out. Underdone prawns are better than overdone.


220g long grain white rice.
2 Tbs Peanut oil
700ml boiling water

2 Tbs Peanut oil
4 splashes Sesame oil
1 tsp Soy sauce
2 eggs and 1 egg yolk whisked
Pinch Umami
Medium Green Prawns
Char Shui Pork pieces (Bacon or ham)
Shallot (white stem bits)
Peas par boiled
Diced Carrot par boiled
Green Shallot to garnish

Note: The low setting on the wok burner is hot enough. Just sizzling to begin. Too hot and the rice sticks and burns or far too much oil will be required. You can then increase the heat as the rice cooks through. If too dry add more oil by scooping a hole to the bottom of the wok and adding oil here. Allow the oil to become hot before resuming tossing.

In a large saucepan heat the oil and add in the rice. Cook 3 minutes over a medium heat stirring constantly. Add the boiling water and simmer for 8 minutes stirring occassionally. Its cooked when the rice is aldente. Firm but not crunchy at all.

Remove to a collander and rinse. Fluff with a fork and let stand to cool and dry. Refrigerate at least 3 hours or overnight for a better result. 

Heat the oil in a wok and add the rice and toss for 3 mins. Splash in soy sauce and sesame oil half way through the cook time.

Part the rice up two sides of the wok to expose the bottom. Add 1 Tbs peanut oil and wait 15 seconds. Pour in the egg covering the bottom and a little into the rice. Tilt the pan to thin out the egg and run into the rice. Cook till partially set and toss to distribute.

Add a large pinch of umami. part the rice and add 1 Tbs peanut oil and wait 15 seconds. Add in the extra ingredients except the prawns. Cook 2 minutes and then toss into the rice. Part the rice and add 1 Tbs peanut oil and then add the prawns and cook 2 - 3 minutes more.  (till changed colour all over.) Toos through the rice. When the prawns are just underdone remove from the heat to a serving plate. The prawns will continue to cook in the hot rice. Add the green shallot garnish.

Pineapple variation:
Put the ripe pineapple on the bench and find where it sits flat. Rotate 90 degrees and cut the side quarter off. Slice the pineapple inside into 2cm cubes width and lengthways taking care not to cut to deep. Scoop out all the inside pineapple. Dry inside thoroughly with paper towels and fill with fried rice and garnish to serve on a large platte

Great Fried Rice Recipe
Chinese Fried Rice

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