In a frypan, sweat the onions in 20g of the butter for 5 minutes. Add some pepper.
Add the garlic to the onions and saute for 2 minutes.
Transfer the onion and garlic to the 4L pot. Add some pepper.
Add the chopped fresh tomatoes to the 4L pot. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 12 minutes.
Push down on the tomatoes with a wooden spoon.
In a large frypan warm the milk and add the mince and cook till it has completely changed colour.
Mash the mince with a wooden spoon all the while to break it down into a finer grain.
Add the browned mince to the 4L pot. Add some pepper. Simmer for 30 minutes.
Add the remaining butter, more pepper and the herb. Simmer 30 minutes. Do not add salt.
Add the large peeled whole carrot
Add the wines and simmer for another 2 hours or so stirring occasionally till well reduced. Mash to break down the skins into smaller pieces. If you used really good tomatoes OK.  Otherwise add tomato paste.

Optional:: Add the canned tomatoes, paste and soup. Add more pepper. Simmer uncovered for an hour.
Total cooking time of 4 hours is good.  Remove and discard the whole carrot

Allow to cool and place into a variety of meal size containers. Then freeze.

When reheating the sauce you will need to add water or you can add different elements. A bit of tomato sauce makes it more kid friendly. Port Wine or Marsala for a complex mature taste. Mushrooms and Cherry Tomatoes. Tabasco and chilly flakes with beans for Chilli Con Carne.

Try this as a Fettucine sauce. Its nothing like any other sauce you have ever had. 500ml pasta sauce heated then add 250 ml cream, 20 green olives halved and 2 fatty bacon rashers chopped. Simmer 20 minutes to reduce and stir in another 50ml fresh cream just before serving over freshmade Fettucine pasta with too much parmesan on top and grated mozzarella cheese around the edge. Yummy.

The reason I choose one herb is so that its unique flavour is identifiable in the final sauce. People like this and comment on it. "is that rosemary I can taste"  In fact it was probably thyme but nod your head in agreement and they now feel involved in your dish. When you use a 4 herb mix nothing stands out and it has an all too common commercial flavour.
1 kg Premium beef mince
300ml milk

1.5 kg over ripe tomatoes chopped
2 tsp Ground Pepper
2 onions chopped
1 knob garlic crushed and chopped
50g Butter
300ml Lambrusco white wine
150ml Boronia Marsala wine
1 Large Carrot
2 Tbs dried herbs: Pick one only
Rosemary  Basil Thyme Oregano Marjarom Bay Leaf

3 Tbs Tomato paste
1 x 420g Heinz tomato soup
2 x 420g canned peeled tomatoes
Adding these elements to your sauce changes it from being a Bolognese to a modern Pasta sauce, especially if your herb is thyme.
Suggest seasoning: Lots of pepper as the main flavour and only one herb.

Recently I have been developing my Mexican skills. Try this.
Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder and 50g of cooking chocolate. Not Italian but not bad.

Everybody has a pasta sauce recipe. And they are all good. I use this for the basis of lots of other dishes. Cook it to the optional stage (adding canned tomatoes, paste and soup) and its a real Bolognese meat rich sauce. Add the extra tomato elements and its a modern rich tasty tomato pasta sauce.

When you cook the meat in milk it breaks down into a much finer grain. Its not the herbs or some secret ingredient but rather the quality of the mince and really ripe (almost rotten) fresh tomatoes that make a superb sauce.

You buy the tomatoes and then let them ripen for 4 or 5 days on the bench and then cook the sauce. When the tomatoes are rotten ripe is when you cook the sauce. I like to mince a quality piece of chuck (or topside, blade, etc)  rather than enter the lottery of supermarket mince. The ingredient amounts are for a batch cook to freeze. Obviously if you want to cook a bolognese for just tonights dinner than adjust quantaties downward.
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pasta sauce

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