Peel the onions, remove the ends and cut into 3 or 4 thick (10mm)
slices. Break apart to form rings. Discard the inner parts.
Toss the rings in flour and stand.
Combine the flour, eggs and enough milk (beer) to make a smooth
slightly runny batter. Stand 30 minutes.
Heat 1 litre of cooking oil in a wok to 140deg. One at a time dip a
ring into the batter and coat thoroughly. Use a wooden chopstick to
lift the ring up and drain off excess batter. Fry for 30 seconds
turning once. Drain and cool on a rack. Repeat till done. This
can be done well ahead of time.
In the deep fryer cook at 180deg fry for 3 minutes turning at least
1 or 2 Large White Onions
3 Tbs Self Raising Flour
1 cup Self Raising Flour
2 Eggs
100ml Milk (beer)
Oil to deep fry
Onion Rings are quick, easy and cheap to make and everyone loves
them. Whether its with a burger or at a full on BBQ where a couple
of plates of these are quickly devoured.
The idea is to par fry the rings well ahead of time. I coat and par
fry one at a time. In fact it is necessary or you will end up with a
coagulated mess of batter and onion. Then you can quickly fry them
up 20 at a time in the deep fryer.
Large white onions are becoming harder to find. They have a much
better ring structure. The rings are quite thick in comparison to
other onion types. Brown onions can be made to work and red onions
are hopeless.
Beer batter is great but a standard milk batter is also very good.
Slightly runny so that the ratio of dough to onion is correct.
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